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Zolcath The Zoat


SKU: 5011921167074 Category: Tags: , , ,


Zoats are an exceptionally rare sight, and to find one on the Blood Bowl pitch is all but unheard of. Zolcath seems to play as much for his own amusement as anything else, he will only allow a team to hire him once they find his hidden lair.

Not only is Zolcath a strong player in his own right, with the stats and skills to dominate the gridiron, he’s a Zoat! Your opponents will gaze in awe when you put him on the table, and so will the players lining up against him on the Line of Scrimmage.

This finely-detailed resin model is supplied in 16 pieces, including a 40mm round base. Zolcath the Zoat is available to play for Lustrian Superleague and Elven Kingdoms League teams. You can find all the rules you need to use him in your games of Blood Bowl in the Second Season Official Rules.